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False missleading emails

False missleading emails

Helpful | Level 5

Just got a email with the Title ":warning:Action requested: ****, your files are about to stop syncing!"
Only for it to be a sales email telling me to upgrade my accout

The accout has be used to archive some stuff and has not been added to in ages and has over 400MB of the 2GB free.

"NOTICE: ****, your files will stop syncing soon."
"Your Dropbox storage is reaching maximum capacity. Adding one more file could fill up your account—and keep you from syncing and accessing your files when you need them."
Yes and adding 100 small files may not fill up or I may delete stuff to free space and it may never fill up

This is nothing but false underhanded scare tactics spam to get people to upgrage.
If this is not true please explain why my files will stop syncing Soon If I stay below my limits?

11 Replies 11

Super User

Hello djn

Thanks for reaching out here in the Community.  We are sorry you feel pressured by Dropbox.  As in any business, usually they would advertise for business, since you are using Dropbox for free, they felt you need to be informed that it would stop syncing if over the 2MB.  Nothing misleading about it at all, they also realize that a lot of people do not keep in mind how much stuff they keep in their Dropbox folder, and for some, will get frustrated when Dropbox doesn't sync any of their files.  Dropbox wanted you to be informed.  And yes they did advertised for your money, since they are in a business to get paid, well, hoping to get paid.

Sorry you felt threatened or pressured but thats the world we are in.  Everything cost money eventually.  We pay for stuff if we value the service.  Just ignore the promotional advertising just like any business out there.


Happy Syncing


if this works and it was a solution, please click on Accept as Solution.  Also clicking on Likes would be super.  Thanks!

Helpful | Level 5

It's misleading as at no point does it say if I go over my limit or I may stop syncing.

It says I WILL and SOON with a big caution sign In the Title


If I had got an email saying 

"Title Your dropbox is almost full Action required

Your Dropbox storage is reaching maximum capacity. Adding more files could fill up your account—and keep you from syncing and accessing your files when you need them.

Upgrade your Dropbox today, and get up to 3 TB (3,000 GB) of space."

That would be correct and I could just skip by it 

But as you put a caution sign and it says my files ARE about to stop syncing and not may stop syncing makes then email false and misleading.

New member | Level 2

I've just had this same email from Dropbox entitled "Action requested: <my name>, your files are about to stop syncing!".

Not only that, but also as a notification in the app.

It then goes on to say: "NOTICE: <my name> your files will stop syncing soon.
Your Dropbox storage is reaching maximum capacity. Adding one more file could fill up your account—and keep you from syncing and accessing your files when you need them."


I currently pay for the 2TB plan, and according to the app I'm using 1.7TB.

As OP says, this is simply misleading, and it's whack out of order to send a paying customer this kind of message when I'm a full 300GB off my limit.


So why are my files going to stop syncing

Dropbox Staff

Hey @rhinotpm, happy Friday! 


Is the email you received this message, the same one you use for your Plus plan? 


Let me know! 

Community Moderator @ Dropbox

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New member | Level 2

Hi. Yes, I only have one DropBox account.

Edit: It was asking me to update to DropBox Business 3TB.

Dropbox Staff

Hi @rhinotpm, thanks for the info! 


Your feedback regarding this since has been very valuable and I will endeavor to make sure your voice is heard.


It seems this is happening, when your account's quota increases dramatically. I will pass on your comments to the relevant departments so that we can further improve.


If you need anything else, let me know! 

Community Moderator @ Dropbox

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New member | Level 2

Such emails are not limited to free accounts. I received a similar notice that I needed to upgrade my account because "You continue to be over your Dropbox storage quota" But when I checked, I'm only using 34 GB out of a 2 TB (paid) limit -- not even close to being 'over my quota'.  Is that a marketing quota or an actual quota? Is it OK for the Dropbox marketing department to fudge the truth 'cause it's just marketing?  What does that say about the company's commitments to privacy and data security?  

Helpful | Level 5
I just got the same email. I’m on the 2 TB paid plan, and have used 1.7 TB. It says “Adding one more file could fill up your account—and keep you from syncing and accessing your files when you need them.”

You really expect me to upload a single 300GB file?

I’ve been a big fan of Dropbox for many years and stuck with them even though cheaper options are now available, but these kinds of disingenuous and underhanded fear-based marketing tactics are very off-putting, and I thought Dropbox was better than that.

Will have to consider moving off the platform when my next yearly sub is up.

Explorer | Level 4

Yes, and they'll happily censor or remove posts like the ones I added here a long time ago that were 'dissapeared'... (without telling you so, or giving reason.. ) saying much the same thing.


I wonder how long your post will remain here. For laughs and giggles I'll screenshot this post in context, for future refernece. It's all about the sales narritive and that can't be shown to be 'wrong' or you're censored for bringing it up or expressing a dissenting view point or mentioning it. 


Nice, company morals and ethics eh? ..  (how do i know this? well i subscribed to the thread, when I responded to the OP, and when people add further comments, I get an email, and I can see mine are just gone .. .. )

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