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Issue with Direct Download Links Not Functioning Properly. Even using dl=1 doesn't work

Force render issues (raw=1) and shared links won't work for hosting.

Helpful | Level 6
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images were perfect on all browsers until yesterday afternoon - what is the fix or is this a dropbox issue?

117 Replies 117

New member | Level 2
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I have found a link generator that creates links so that they can now be played. it's just a shame i now have to spend several days changing all the links

Helpful | Level 7
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Same here ....

Helpful | Level 6
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same issue here. when using the "raw=1" link, picture don't show in my obsidian notes, before is working fine.

Explorer | Level 4
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Hello. I have the same problem. All links changed their behavior from one moment to the next.

Look at this example:

even dom dl=1 it redirects to a blank dropbox page.

It downloads but redirects to a blank page.

I've already tested it on several browsers, including in anonymous mode.

Helpful | Level 7
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Same here

Helpful | Level 5
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It works, thanks!


However, I'll wait a couple days to see if this gets fixed, I have more than 500 .mp3 files and changing links one by one would be too time consuming.

Explorer | Level 4
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Hello Dropbox Community,

I'm encountering an issue with my Dropbox links that should directly initiate downloads. Despite following the guidance on forcing downloads as outlined here:


Force a file to download and using the dl=1 parameter, the downloads are not starting as expected.


Instead of triggering an immediate download, clicking on the link directs to a blank Dropbox page, and only then the download begins. I have tested this behavior across multiple browsers and also in incognito mode, but the issue persists.


To better illustrate the problem, I have recorded a short video demonstrating the behavior, which can be viewed here:


Any guidance or assistance you could provide would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your help!


Best regards,

Uploaded by Thiago Castanhari Educação on 2024-05-04.

Helpful | Level 6
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so irritating and I’m simply going to have to use another host bc this is unacceptable

Super User II
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@aRealHumanBartender wrote:
so irritating and I’m simply going to have to use another host bc this is unacceptable

That is exactly the issue - Dropbox isnt, and never ever has been, a web hosting tool. 


They have (on quite a few occasions now) done things which have stopped things rendering on websites and response has always been the same - Dropbox isnt a hosting platform, its a tool to collaborate and share 


:penguin::penguin: - :penguin: - :penguin: - :penguin:

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Super User II
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Dropbox isnt a hosting site, it shouldnt be used as one for reasons exactly like this. Due to the number of posts on this today I suspect that there has been a decision to change how links work/render which has caused them to fail. This is not the first time they've done this, and it wont be the last. Similar posts are here (videos) and here (images)


Your best bet is to use a proper hosting site which is designed and intended to host.


:penguin::penguin: - :penguin: - :penguin: - :penguin:

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