Forum Discussion

KerryAbr's avatar
New member | Level 2
10 months ago

How can I be removed from the Business team I accidentally joined?

hi, I was invited to join a dropbox team & when i did, my account was cancelled & now falls under the team i was invited to.  How do i reverse this?  I need my initial plus account reinstated.  does the person who invited me to their team need to remove me from their account?


  • Yes, the person who invited you to the Team needs to remove you from the Team - NOT delete! If they delete it you will loose everything. 

  • Mark's avatar
    Icon for Super User II rankSuper User II

    Yes, the person who invited you to the Team needs to remove you from the Team - NOT delete! If they delete it you will loose everything. 

    • KerryAbr's avatar
      New member | Level 2

      thanks Mark, my plus account was cancelled & I was refunded. If I'm removed from the other account, where will my dropbox be?  I can't risk losing anything. Do i need to reinstate my plus account first?


      • Nancy's avatar
        Icon for Dropbox Staff rankDropbox Staff

        Hope it’s alright to jump in here, KerryAbr! Since you’ve already received a pro-rated refund for your previous subscription, then your Dropbox account will go back to a free Basic plan upon your removal from the Business team. 


        Rest assured though that no data will be deleted or removed from it. The only thing that may happen if you go over-quota is that you won't be able to add more files to your account and syncing will pause on your linked devices for the time being. You can re-upgrade your account though back to Plus after that, and it should be like it was before.