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Need more than 1TB storage on a Personal account

Need more than 1TB storage on a Personal account

New member | Level 2

Dropbox business, o dont need a package for 3 users, can i have more space in dropbox without a business account?

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Dropbox Staff
This idea has been closed as it has reached the end of the Share an Idea process.
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Status changed to: Closed
Explorer | Level 3

I really find it so weird that there aren't any more plans. I used to loveeee Dropbox, really. I had everything in there, because I had been given 50 GB free with my Samsung S4, so of course the 1 year or 2 year gift trial ended, and I went to want to pay for dropbox (first time in 2 years), and the only plan was the 1Tb for 99$.


That just doesn't work for everyone else. I have tons of stuff, but not enough for 1Tb. I have always liked dropbox best but Google Drive gives you 100 mb for 20$ a year? So I'm over there now. Sorry.

Stuart L.9
Helpful | Level 6

Their thinking is that enough people will pay for the 1tb which costs 10 times more but then only store 150mb - they win both ways. Same with the business plans. The users they lose - 10% maybe, they wont pay anyway but the majority of remaining user base are continously being funneled onto higher end plans


i wish they could give control back to the engineers so they could innovate and grow the business that way instead of following bullet points from an out of date marketing handbook.


essentially by doing this they are converting customer good will into short term profit - people like us moaning, is it a good plan, time will tell - it cerainly doesnt fit with their branding, but there has to be value and that will only come from innovation especially as cloud storage  is commoditized.  


Easy to say from the comfort of my arm chair😊


Stuart L.9
Helpful | Level 6

I would just like to thank dropbox for making 2tb available for personal users starting today



Super User II

(adding link to the help article for reference)


Dropbox Professional plans will now have 2TB of storage space.


Explorer | Level 4

I agree with Stuart L.9. A big thank you Dropbox for listening, A step up from Plus to Professional makes a lot more sense! Happy. 😎

Explorer | Level 3

That's great! Now, if they would just add a middle ground plan, between 2GB and 1 TB, it'd be amazing!



New member | Level 2

I'm the only user on this computer and dropbox, i just need to add more space without adding a team of users.  What is the best way to accomplish that? Thanks, Randy

Dropbox Staff

Hey there Randy (@Ran1313) - how are you today?

What plan are you on to begin with if I may ask? 

Currently we only offer a 1TB plan for new Dropbox Plus accounts or 2TB for Professional accounts. 

Larger plans are only available with our corporate solution, Dropbox Business. You can find out more information and sign-up here: 

I hope this helps to some extent and please let me know if you have any further inquiries.

PS: You can find our plans page if you want to look into our current plans, features and pricing here:

New member | Level 2

I have 2TB, just wanted to see if I could get more space without going on DropBox Business and paying for 3 users when its only me.  Thanks for info, Randy

Dropbox Staff

Thanks for clarifying Randy and sending along your feedback! I’ll be sure to pass this along to the team.

Should you need anything else in the meantime, please let me know @Ran1313

:jack_o_lantern: Happy Halloween too :jack_o_lantern:

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