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Can I link a third account to the Dropbox application?

New member | Level 2

Can someone help me add another dropbox account to my computer? I have 2 already, but the third one I added can only be viewed online versus on my downloaded dropbox app that I have for my other two accounts. HELP lol.

2 Replies 2

New member | Level 2

Why are there no real people to talk to from Dropbox that can help with issues?

Dropbox Staff

Hey @Michelle1234, thanks for reaching out to the Dropbox Community.


Currently, only two accounts can be linked on the Dropbox applications, a Business one and a personal one; this means that you won't be able to add a third one.


We appreciate your feedback though, and I'll make sure to pass your comments along to our team.


I hope this clarifies things, but if you have any questions, please let me know.

Community Moderator @ Dropbox

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