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Re: The red notification showing on the icon isn't going away

The red notification showing on the icon isn't going away

Helpful | Level 5


Has anyone else experienced red icon badge showing as one unread notification even after all notifications read and then deleted.  Can't seem to get rid of it no matter what I try.  Thank you.

22 Replies 22

Helpful | Level 6

@Megan  Yes, that's fine

Dropbox Staff

Hi @hpeabody, I just sent you an email, I'll see you there!

Community Moderator @ Dropbox

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Helpful | Level 6

@Megan  I just responded to your email


Helpful | Level 5

Hi Jay  The red notification badge has gone now.  I did click Sync history and Activity and this might have got rid of it? Thank you.

Helpful | Level 6

Wow!  That worked for me too.  It was merely a matter of clicking on "show me how"  I did nothing other than click on that under Sync History and Activity.  Who would have ever thought that was the answer.  Yes, the red notification badge is gone!  Dropbox needs to be more clear about what the "notification" is.  Thank you Jayne for discovering the fix.

Explorer | Level 4

It refuses to go away. DropBox is so intrusive and keeps trying to get involved in one's life. It's a drag. The red circle on my DropBox icon is asking me to upgrade, which I have already done and yet the red circle stays in place. DropBox need  proper software designers on board. 

Dropbox Staff

Hey @Hughmoz, I moved your post to a thread about the same issue.


Can you try the solution there and let us know if it helped?

Community Moderator @ Dropbox

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Helpful | Level 6

yes, I have the same problem.

This icon in the system tray with a warning probably indicates that there is a message somewhere. But there is no notification anywhere in the Dropbox app. Moreover, the icon does not function properly either; Synchronization works but is not indicated with the blue circle. Can anyone help me with a solution? Thanks in advance, Wim

Helpful | Level 6

Here was my resolution

Wow! That worked for me too. It was merely a matter of clicking on "show me how" I did nothing other than click on that under Sync History and Activity. Who would have ever thought that was the answer. Yes, the red notification badge is gone! Dropbox needs to be more clear about what the "notification" is. Thank you Jayne for discovering the fix.

Dropbox Staff

@Wilhelmus, have you tried this suggestion and you still can’t see what the notification is for on your desktop app?


Also, what do you mean when saying that syncing works, but it’s not indicated by the blue circle? Can you send me a screenshot of what you see?

Community Moderator @ Dropbox

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