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Re: The Photos page is changing...

The Photos page is changing...

Darren S.1
Collaborator | Level 10
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I've just seen the banner that says "The Photos page is changing on 30 June 2017 but your pictures will stay safe in your Dropbox account. Learn more". The gist is that they are removing the final remants of the Carousel functionality - which makes me wonder what the point was in purchasing it in the first place:

"After that date, you’ll no longer be able to create or share albums on the web, or browse photos in the current timeline view. However, all your photos will remain safe in your Dropbox account."

Even funnier, it says:

"Creating a better photos experience

We’re continuing to work on new photos and file experiences on As we learn more about how our users prefer to work with photos, we’ll launch improvements to the experience."

With these changes there will be no photos experience that is any different to normal files. If they remove camera uploads, that would be the last straw for me and I'll be moving to a different service.

302 Replies 302

Simone C.9
Collaborator | Level 9
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I just posted on DROPBOX FACEBOOK PAGE RE this issue


I urge all people affected to do the same in the hope we can stop this

Simone C.9
Collaborator | Level 9
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When I tried to post I see it is now being "moderated" Please also post in this link below which is specifically about albums

and post to their FB page anyway. Maybe whoever is moderating will pass it on.


Sarah N.6
Helpful | Level 5
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When you post to their FB page, make sure it goes into comments of their posts as the direct posts dont seem to be appearing online.


Simone C.9
Collaborator | Level 9
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My Facebook post on their page is being "moderated". Please can everyone post on it anyway and also click on the "like" at the top of this page

Sarah N.6
Helpful | Level 5
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I suggest that you comment on one of their exisiting posts as well as sending your own post. It seems the independent posts are not appearing!


Simone C.9
Collaborator | Level 9
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Maybe also share as a public post on your own facebook and share it

Peter M.33
New member | Level 2
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Honestly, I feel like I'm going mad here.


I originally bought into Dropbox because of Carousel, then they axed that and now they're quietly ditching all the remaining photo features.


What an absolute joke for eighty quid a year!


I wouldn't mind if they had the new system(s) in place first and migrated my account rather than just switching things off, but the fact that they haven't means that it's almost certainly been binned and won't be replaced by anything in the future.


Seriously reconsidering continuing to pay for Dropbox now.

Dropbox Staff
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Hello everyone,


I read all your comments regarding the upcoming change of the Photos page. We appreciate providing feedback on this and please I kindly request that we keep the discussion active in the form of constructive criticism - I will personally gather the feedback and forward it to our developers on this.


Regarding this change, Dropbox is committed to being the best place for you to work with all your files. The Photos page on — which includes the timeline and albums — only works with certain image types, doesn’t support team workflows, and isn’t aligned with our new web redesign.


As a result, we’ve decided to sunset the Photos page so we can focus on building new and better ways for you to work with all your file types, including photos.


After June 30, you’ll no longer be able to create or share albums on the web, or browse photos in the current timeline view. Your photos will remain safe in Dropbox, and you can view them like any other file in your Dropbox. The quick scroll functionality of the current Photos timeline will no longer be available, but you'll be able to view all your photos in a redesigned page using the same link to Photos in the left navigation bar.


Additionally, our recently-launched website redesign introduces gallery view, a new way of viewing your files as large thumbnail previews. This view works for photos, and also many other file types.


Once again, thanks for taking time to provide feedback on this change and feel free to reach out back here for additional comments on this change. If you have any suggestions, ideas, requests you can post them here and I will make sure that every comment will reach our team.


Thank you!

Community Moderator @ Dropbox

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Darren S.1
Collaborator | Level 10
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Zed, thanks for taking the time to comment here, but all you've really done is repeat what's been said on the annoucement page.

I don't really have a horse in the race when it comes to albums as I only have a handful, but can you comment on the concerns raised here by people who have hundreds or thousands of albums - surely it should be fairly trivial to provide a tool to convert them into folders?


For me, the two most important features of Photos is the timeline view and automatic camera uploads. The former is going away so can you give us a clue as to what the newly designed photos page will look like? How will it be different to the normal Dropbox file browser (and if it's the same, what's the point in having a separate Photos page)?


Can you please also confirm there are no plans to remove the automatic camera uploads feature on the mobile apps? That is a deal breaker for me. I already had to purchase a third-party app to replace the functionality of the standalone Carousel app, next time I will just be switching storage providers.



New member | Level 2
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Once again, this is unacceptable. I just renewed for 1 year ... I really don't understand the commercial policy of Dropbox

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