Forum Discussion

coccocutri's avatar
Explorer | Level 4
2 years ago

Issue with my academic dropbox account quota

My university should provide me a dropbox team account with 15gb storage, when I enter my email to create my account, it gives me de basic plan and it doesn't allow me to access shared folders by the professors.

What should I do?

  • Rich's avatar
    Icon for Super User II rankSuper User II

    coccocutri wrote:

    My university should provide me a dropbox team account with 15gb storage, when I enter my email to create my account, it gives me de basic plan and it doesn't allow me to access shared folders by the professors.

    First step would be to contact the team admin of the Dropbox account. That would be someone at your university.

  • Jay's avatar
    Icon for Dropbox Staff rankDropbox Staff

    Hi coccocutri, thanks for bringing this to our attention.


    Generally, if you have a membership to a Dropbox Business team or Education team, you should have more quota. 


    Are you certain that you've joined to their team, and haven't just created a personal account with an education email? Have you contacted their IT team for further assistance?


    This will help me to assist further!

    • coccocutri's avatar
      Explorer | Level 4

      Thanks a lot, I already contacted the IT team and they said to delete the account and retry to sign up via the university website.

      Unfortunately it didn't work and I'm still unable to access the folders shared by my professors.

      Is there any chance that I'm doing something wrong and as you said I just created a personal account with my educational email? if that's the case, what should I do?


      • Nancy's avatar
        Icon for Dropbox Staff rankDropbox Staff

        Hi from me as well, coccocutri


        Did you follow the exact steps they sent you to create your Dropbox account? Since your university has set this up, they’ll need to walk you through the exact process to create your account and redeem your storage.