Forum Discussion

rob_moore monthly's avatar
rob_moore monthly
Explorer | Level 4
3 years ago

Two Dropbox Accounts - Can't Sign into One

I have two Dropbox accounts. One for work and one personal (this one). I logged out of the work account to move some files around in my personal account and now Dropbox keeps redirecting me back to my personal account, apparently refusing to let me log back into my work account.


Any suggestions on solving this problem?

  • Mark's avatar
    Icon for Super User II rankSuper User II

    Do you mean two logged in on the website? 


    If so try opening a second browser window but use an incognito or private one. 


    If you mean on the computer, unless one is a paid business account you cannot have 2 logged in at the same time. 

    • rob_moore monthly's avatar
      rob_moore monthly
      Explorer | Level 4

      Sorry I wasn't clearer. Same computer...not trying to be logged into both accounts at the same time. 


      Was originally logged into my work account. Logged out and into my personal account (which I've done often before). This time when I try to log back in I get this response: "You recently changed your email. Please log in to that account."

      • rob_moore monthly's avatar
        rob_moore monthly
        Explorer | Level 4

        Also -- tried the new Incognito browser window. Same response - denied.

