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Dropbox moving my documents folder

Dropbox moving my documents folder

New member | Level 2

Hi guys, I just tried the latest beta feature that allows me to backup my mac's folders.


The issue is that when I select to backup my documents folder, dropbox just moves my entire documents folder from /Users/username/ to /Users/username/Dropbox/My Mac/ folder without asking me if that's OK. It just created a symlink in my home folder (/Users/username) that points to the the dropbox folder. 



1. A backup software shouldn't move around the source files. I want my data to stay in a specific location that I prefer.

2. I have another backup software running on my machine that has to now re-upload ~9gb of files because dropbox decided to move the folder.

3. The replacement folder it created doens't even match the icon of documents folder.


This frankly feels like an intrusion of my data. Until dropbox can figure out how to backup files/folders without moving my data in the dropbox folder I am turning this feature off. I hope this feedback reaches the right folks.



11 Replies 11

Dropbox Staff

Hello @ainstushar, welcome to the Dropbox Community. 


Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback regarding our computer backup feature - we greatly appreciate it. 


If any issues come up that you'd like to troubleshoot or you have any other questions for us, don't hesitate to give us another nudge. 


In the meantime, I hope you have a lovely day ahead!

Community Moderator @ Dropbox

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Helpful | Level 5

I just went through this setup and didn't realize it. When I realized I was backing up all my files and was going to exceed my storage limit, I cancelled the sync, updated the preferences to not include My Mac and proceeded to delete the files. Unfortunately, I wasn't aware that the setup process moved the contents of my system based, "Documents" folder in to the Dropbox folder itself! Imagine my surprise when I tried to find a file today, but it was no longer there.  But the directory pointed me to the deleted Dropbox folder.  Now I can't even find it in the Trash, because the deleted file only contains aliases to the folder hierarchy.  I understand the logic in this, but the step was definitely not clear in the setup. I need considerable assistance to recover these files now. Please help!!!

New member | Level 2

This just happened to me today!!!! I'm flabbergasted!


It's supposed to be a backup, no where does it suggest that my files will be moved or does it seek approval.


I then contacted support through chat box and they just didn't respond when I told them what happened. I'm so upset that without asking they moved my files then just to completely ignore me. Mind you that it was handlled proffessionally with absouly zero foul language.


This has got to be one of the worst thoughout ideas. I'm am now very worried that files maybe missing and my backups were deleted right before I installed Dropbox.


I'm not a sue happy person but this has been sent to my attornies, terms of service can't cover mis-leading the consumer. I feel extemely violated and I only asked them to help me revert what they had done.


New member | Level 2

Also didn't realize this initially and am completely turned off. Also almonst deleted everything. I hope that I have now completely removed everything from dropbox from my computer. For years I found it very useful. This action unfortunately moves me to not trust dropbox. Sorry, but this is a pretty big issue.

Explorer | Level 4

Just happened to me. Are they kidding me? Its unbelievable that they move Documents folder. 


Now I can't also sync on Google Drive 


Anyone fixed this? Tks

Explorer | Level 4

any solution for this ? I also have the same problems, and want to get back all my files which I have prepared for them almost 2 months. . 

Explorer | Level 4
Is the way dropbox works...even if I still can't believe it moves your files without any warning. Basically it creates an alias folder in the original position and moves the files that are supposed to be copied under the main Dropbox folder.

I work with many software that have preferences and other important files in the documents folder and dropbox did a mess with this smart move.

So basically I've located the original documents folder, moved back (command-drag) to its original position and then I deleted the alias created by Dropbox.

Then I said Ciao to Dropbox. 🙂 I'll use Google Drive for automatic backup

Explorer | Level 3

ciao dropbox after 4 years....that's ridiculous...u cant imagine how much trouble you gave me with this hidden move.

Helpful | Level 5

i am having this exact issue with a mac mini M1 - i am running the beta software that is supposed to work with the M1.   I am likely saying goodby also - have you ever tried a migration to a new machine when you had moved many files online only - DID YOU KNOW THAT IF U USE DB TO MIGRATE EVERYTHING ENDS UP IN A DROPBOX SUB FOLDER ALSO! 



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