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Doug N.5
10 years agoNew member | Level 2
A way to uncheck all folders in the Selective Sync settings
I have many folders and files in my main computer's dropbox. I have a laptop with a small SSD so I can't allocate much space for DB. I need to use Selective Sync to pick which folders. By default all folders are checked. It would be very helpful to have a "uncheck all" checkbox in the dialog box, so I only have to check the one folder I want to share. I also want to have a way NOT to sync the files in my root folder.
Using Mac OS 10.9
- Dave C.5Helpful | Level 7
The check/uncheck all was asked for years ago, seems like they cant master how to do it.
Unsyncing files in the root folder is complex, it would be better to move them to a subfolder and then unsync that.
If you MUST unsync a file in the root folder
1) Rename the file from FILE.EXT to FILE.EXT_
2) Create a folder named "FILE.EXT" (no quotes and keep the file extension)
3) Selectively UNSYNC that folder from the computer
4) Via the web remove the folder "FILE.EXT"
5) via the web rename the file FILE.EXT_ to FILE.EXT
You pretty much are fooling the DB app into thinking the file is a folder and not syncing it. - Chris D.27New member | Level 1
Unbelievable this is still not an option. This is a disaster when you have a lot of folders and no means to deselect them all. I now have to deselect around 100 folders one by one.
- Ryan C.40Helpful | Level 7
why are both of these still an issue? I have a 32gb tablet, and I don't want to toss all the files in root to another folder. defeat the whole purpose of having the root folder.
and yes, uncheck all seems like a no brainer. for one of the more expensive options out there, simple things like this should not b an issue.
- Itomic G.New member | Level 1
Yes please. This is an absolute must. Three times I've had to setup Dropbox on different computers and uncheck over 1000 directories ;(
Very annoying that such a basic feature is not available.
- CurmudgeonHelpful | Level 6
It is unbelievable that this simple functionality can't be accomplished. Whether adding DB to a new computer or just making wholesale changes to my sync, I'd like to be able to deselect ALL the folders in Selective Sync. This is a PAIN to deal with currently.
- Harold G.Explorer | Level 3
Is anyone at DropBox reading these?
- Ed
Dropbox Staff
Thanks all for the feedback. We're actively reading threads like this and your comments and thoughts are important to us.
We may not be replying to every single post but we're reading these, indeed :)
- daniel s.67New member | Level 1
I just spent 15 minutes unchecking every file I did not want to sync. I've never seen a piece of software that did not have a select all and deselect all option when presenting a list of items.
- Harold G.Explorer | Level 3
Thanks for the reply!
"Ed October 21, 2015 02:41
- Kesara P.New member | Level 1
THIS puhleeze!
I think Dropbox has come of age adequately that it needs a Advanced User Version (I'm willing to pay more for it) with all these features we so desperately crave. Those who want pure simplicity can have the existing version...
Thanks all for the feedback. We're actively reading threads like this and your comments and thoughts are important to us.
We may not be replying to every single post but we're reading these, indeed :)"
Heartwarming, indeed .....